SiMPTI Programmes:
1. Work Experience (suitable for 15-19 year olds)
2. Access to SiMPTI (suitable for 14-25 year olds who live in challenging circumstances and are at risk of social exclusion)
3. CPD: Professional development (suitable for music practitioners, tutors, providers, freelancers and University graduates)
1. Work Experience programme
Suitable for: GCSE, A-Level and BTech students (15-19 years) who wish to undertake their work experience in a recording studio and are interested in pursuing a career in the music industry. Sound Gallery's work experience programme is especially designed by our team of professional musicians and educators to provide a high quality experience in the workplace.
2020 - Work experience weeks: 29 June-3 July, 6-10 July and 13-17 July.
- Studio induction, health and safety. Introduction to organisation's facilities and services.
- Recording studio experience (micing techniques, recording and mixing session)
- Observation of recording and mixing sessions
- Music industry advice session on how to build & sustain a career in the music industry in association with Integrity Records
- Social media for the modern musician
- Careers advice and guidance
Due to the significant time demands work experience and the relevant administrative work can place on a small team and a not for profit organisation such as ours, we have found it necessary to charge a small fee to cover administration, training and supervision costs (£55 per day / £275 per week)
- Increased confidence and self-esteem
- Development of technical skills and awareness of the music industry
- Development of knowledge of employment routes in the music industry
- Benefit from real life experiences and learning from professional sound engineers and producers
- The opportunity to put skills into practise and keep up to date with all the latest music technology
- Networking opportunities and useful contacts in the music industry
- Information and advice needed to pursue a career in the music industry
- Exclusive access to new product demos, special offers and educational discounts (where available)
- Access to state of the art facilities and music industry events with inspirational speakers and music industry experts
- Discounts on recording sessions, rehearsals and music technology courses at Sound Gallery Studios
- Volunteering opportunities at Sound Gallery events
Schools and colleges that have participated in SiMPTI over the past years include:
Exeter College, West-Exe Technology College, ISCA College, St Peter’s School (Exeter), St James School (Exeter), Colyton Grammar school, Tiverton High school, The Kings School (Ottery St Mary), Okehampton College, Honiton Community College, Kind Edward Community College (Totnes), South Dartmoor Community College, Plymouth College, Sidmouth College, Queen Elizabeth’s Academy Trust (Crediton), Harwich & Dovercourt High School (Essex), Malborough College (Wiltshire), Courtfields Community School (Somerset), Academy of Music & Sound (Exeter), dbS Music (Plymouth), Newton Abbot College, Beaminster School (Dorset), Queens College (Taunton), The Maynard School (Exeter), Teignmouth Community School, St James School (Exeter), Gillingham School (Dorset), Chulmleigh College, Clyst Vale Community College, Torquay’s Girls Grammar and more.
2. Access to SiMPTI
Access to SiMPTI is a social inclusion, early intervention programme designed to provide music-making activities for young people aged 14-25 who are considered to be 'at risk of social exclusion' with an aim to build up their social skills and increase their employability. This programme aims to engage fragile groups and individuals who live in challenging circumstances in the form of workshops, masterclasses and studio experiences under the guidance of music professionals within a safe working environment.
Access to SiMPTI is suitable for:
Young people from Pupil Referral Units
Young people who are NEET (not in education, employment or training)
Young people with special learning needs
Young people with physical disabilities
Young people with mental health issues
Young people in care or young carers
Young people living in rural areas and are at risk of being socially and digitally isolated
Young people excluded from school
Young people living in poverty and young people who are homeless
- Increase young people’s self-esteem and participation in the digital arts, foster a sense of achievement and self-worth
- Enable young people to learn transferable skills, discover new talent and nurture creativity
- Encourage young people to experiment using cutting edge music technology in a safe, non-judgemental environment
- Provide the highest quality musical experience by providing access to masterclasses, workshops and studio experiences led by experienced music industry professionals.
- Provide interactive learning experiences using innovative and exciting music technology
- Immerse individuals into real life experiences and enrich their lives
- Provide networking opportunities and useful contacts in the music industry and careers advice
- Celebrate success and showcase young people’s achievements
Access to SiMPTI includes the following activities:
- music technology and music production sessions
- recording studio experiences
- careers advice sessions with music industry experts
- social media, IT, research skills and portfolio building sessions
- work experience and volunteering opportunities
- SEPE: Supporting Employability and Personal Effectiveness BTEC qualification (available for groups of 3 or more)
All activities can be tailored to suit individual and group needs and interests.
Partners & Supporters
Access to SiMPTI is currently part of the #Focus5 project which is funded by the European Social Fund and the Big Lottery Fund. The #Focus5 project aims to help some of the South West’s most vulnerable young people to make positive steps towards education, employment and training. The project is part of the Building Better Opportunities programme and is jointly funded by the European Social Fund and the Big Lottery Fund. #Focus5 will provide in-depth support to young people aged 15-18 across the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership area, and make a real difference to their lives.
To find out more about the project or to refer a young person to the Access to SiMPTI programme, please contact Maria Peters: [email protected] or call 01392-495301
Access to SiMPTI has been supported in the past by the Devon Community Foundation and The Wace Family Fund, Daisi (in association with Youth Music), the Exeter Board Community Fund, The Hele's Education Trust, The Gibbons Family Trust and Careers Southwest. Participating schools/colleges include St Peter’s School (Exeter), King Edward Community College (Totnes), Exeter College, Academy of Music and Sound, CEDA.
Cost & Membership Scheme
Dates arranged as required. Most sessions are on a 1:1 basis as we have found this to be the most effective way of engaging fragile young people. Cost: Please contact us for details.
3. CPD: Professional development (suitable for tutors/providers)
This programme offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a professional recording studio and to learn directly from professional sound engineers, producers and music industry professionals at Sound Gallery Studios. The programme is suitable for music tutors and practitioners as well as freelance sound engineers, producers, university graduates who wish to get practical experience in a recording studio and want to keep up-to-date with all the latest technological advancements and industry developments in music technology and the music industry in general.
- Music technology sessions on recording, mixing and mastering techniques using LogicPro, ProTools and other innovative music producing software Reason, Ableton etc.
- Music industry sessions, information about how to run a record label, digital distribution etc
- Business management, the business model of social enterprises
- Social Media for Musicians (Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Google+ and more)
- Advice and guidance needed in order to pursue a career in the music industry
- Benefit from learning alongside successful music industry professionals
- Insight into a working professional recording studio
- The opportunity to put existing skills into practice and learn new skills
- Networking opportunities and useful contacts in the music industry
- Information and advice needed to pursue a career in the music industry
- Exclusive access to new product demos, special offers and educational discounts
- Access to Sound Gallery’s services and music industry events at discounted rates - Shadowing music industry professionals
Dates: Arranged as required
Cost: £35 per person per hour for 1:1 sessions or £25 per person per hr for 2-5 participants
Our membership scheme (£75 per annum) also allows access to the iMac computers on Mondays and Fridays. This scheme provides an opportunity for participants to spend time working on the techniques they have learnt.
Feedback & Testimonials:
SiMPTI - Work Experience Programme
School feedback:
'ALL students came back with improvement to their confidence and a strong understanding of what is expected from the world of work. Without your support with this scheme, we as a school would not be able to prepare our young adults for the real world that awaits them - and for this we cannot thank you enough' Head of careers, Enterprise and Work Related Learning, St Cuthbert Mayne School
'I am writing to thank you for providing our student(s) with a work experience placement this month and to let you know that we really appreciate the time and effort that employers put into making the experience a worthwhile one.' Queen Elizabeth’s Academy
'We greatly appreciate the time and energy you put into providing an enjoyable and worthwhile placement and understand that the success of the Work Related Learning programme depends on your goodwill and support.' Gillingham School
'Thank you for the time and effort given to our student during their period of Work Experience with you. We are pleased to say that the experience has been particularly valuable and has given the student an excellent insight into the world of work. Could you please thank all your staff for their support and guidance which was much appreciated by everyone concerned. Sidmouth College
'Thank you so much for last week. He hasn’t stopped talking about how good it was. You’ve certainly given him something to think about. His confidence and whole persona were completely different each day he came home. He’s seriously considering studying Music Tech and Production at college. Please say a BIG thank you to all involved last week.' (participant’s parent)
Participant feedback:
What did you learn during the SiMPTI programme?
'A wide variety of things including the logistics of running a studio, the correct setup of recording equipment, little tips and tricks in Logic, plus drum replacement, equipment selection and acoustics.'
'I have learned a lot about engineering, production and the setup side of the industry that will help me later in my career.'
'I learned what is required in order to run a successful recording studio, and what skills are required to manage the administrative aspects of the business.'
'How to tune drums, how to use music mixing and making software and being in the control room while recording a band.'
'How much editing actually goes into a professional recording.'
'I have learned more about how to setup microphones and how recording software works.'
'How all the software such as Logic Pro works and how to EQ to my liking.'
'I learned how a professional studio operates and functions on a day to day basis, how to correctly solder and fix cables, how to record drums and get a good sound without loads of microhpones. How to use ProTools.' (Ben, Richard Huish College)
'I found out what being in a studio is like (especially during a recording). I found the use of Ableton Live and setting up a studio the most useful throughout my week here.' (Harry, The King's School, Ottery St Mary)
'I feel I have learned how to work in a professional environment.' (Caitlin, Queens College, Taunton)
'Nick (Intergrity Records) told us about his record company and how downloading music can cause problems.' (James, The King's School, Ottery St Mary)
'Useful information involving leads and wiring, advice on record labels and how effectively maintain a social network presence for a small business.' (Liam, Exeter School)
'I am more organised now and I am confident generally in day to day life. I have now a sense of what the real world of work is and it me new challenges to over come which I enjoyed figuring out.' (Grace, Beaminster School)
'After this course I will go to College, research the job I am interested in, volunteer and make new contacts.' (Paul, Honiton, Community School)
What did you find most useful about the SiMPTI programme?
'Being in the control room was very insightful in both the recording and mixing process.'
'Lots! Mic positioning, how the business runs and being a social enterprise.'
'Looking at all the software and sitting in on recording sessions.'
'How to adapt microphones and drums in order to satisfy clients personal preferences.'
'How much editing actually goes into a professional recording.'
'The tutorial on flex time, this will come in helpful when I go to produce more commercially orientated tracks.'
'Sitting in on the sessions, watching the recording and mixing process.'
'Micing up drum kits and the techniques of storing leads correctly.'
'I learned some interesting alternative techniques for drum micing, found Nick Tarbitt's (Integrity Records) talk especially useful. I found individual advice and technique useful as well as learning about how the studio has been set up with regards to it's acoustics.' (Simon, dBs Music)
'I had the chance to broaden my horizons for the future. I found the careers advice the most important and useful part of the course.' (Joshua, Laurence Sheriff School)
Access to SiMPTI feedback
‘I really enjoyed it and felt very lucky to have been given the opportunity. The more I record the more confident I get and I think I have improved since my first recording last year. Duncan was really nice, I think he understands my music and what I want to do. I think the more I record it will improve things like my timing and rhythm. Basically, I really love the recording sessions and am very pleased that I had the chance to do more recording so thank you very much! Kiera
‘I have learned a lot about editing music and recording my lyrics. I have been using sounds that are unique and different so it’s making the music more unique to just standard hip hop.’ Tom
‘I have gained confidence with recording vocals and using music software and hopefully I can apply these skills at home.' Mark
‘For me, as his mum, to see his eyes light up and him smile when he talks about the work he has done with Sound Gallery is very precious as a great deal of time I see my son really struggle just to cope with every day life. So a massive thanks for the support you have given him and I hope so much we can continue with this provision. I truly feel that the Sound Gallery sessions have helped prevent Tom being re-admitted to hospital’. (participants parent)
‘Due to the stigma attached with mental illness and psychosis, it makes it difficult to get together groups of young people, therefore assisting people as individuals to access mainstream community resources is what they try to aim for (Caroline Oakford, Clinical Team leader, STEP, Exeter).
'I am pleased to say that Aaron has been accepted by dBs Music in Plymouth. Thank you very much for your help' (B. Harvey, Careers Southwest)
‘Mark has been volunteering with us for the last month or so and during his time with us so far he has helped to update the Sound Gallery database, learnt how to setup and take down a PA, as well as how to make sure microphones and other instruments are connected properly. He has also learned how to setup and take down drum kits and how to test leads with a multimeter to see which connections need looking at. He has been engaged and enthusiastic occasionally lapsing slightly when distracted, but quickly gets back on track when prompted. His motivation and engagement has improved over the weeks.’ (SG member of staff)
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